Siska offers a variety of machines to suit every budget & application 800-393-5381
There are a number of factors that determine what type of setting machine you should use. The quantity of work that needs to be done is an important factor. If your eyelet or grommet setting needs are very infrequent, then a hand setting tool that you hit with a mallet will do.
If your application requires consistent pressure settings, the next option is the tabletop bench setters. These machines are equipped with an adjustable stop to regulate the exact amount of setting pressure applied. The next progression in machines would be the foot press setters. The advantage of a foot press is that both your hands are free to hold the work and hand feed the eyelets, grommets or washers. The foot presses also make it easier on the operator since most people's legs are stronger than their arms. |
If you have a job that requires setting 10 thousand eyelets or grommets or more, then an auto-feed foot press is appropriate. The eyelets or grommets are fed into a hopper on the side of the machine and are automatically placed into your application with foot power. The advantage of the auto feed machine is speed.
The next step to increased production is the automatic two-cycle eyelet or grommet setter. These machines are electric powered tabletop models that are actuated by tapping a foot pedal. The machine quickly cycles twice cutting the hole on the first cycle and setting the eyelet or grommet on the second cycle. This entire process takes less than a second. An example of this type of machine is the "Model F".
Siska Inc. has been building eyelet machines since 1938 and in its third generation of ownership can make selecting the appropriate machine easy. Just send us a sample of your job and we can recommend the right machine.
The next step to increased production is the automatic two-cycle eyelet or grommet setter. These machines are electric powered tabletop models that are actuated by tapping a foot pedal. The machine quickly cycles twice cutting the hole on the first cycle and setting the eyelet or grommet on the second cycle. This entire process takes less than a second. An example of this type of machine is the "Model F".
Siska Inc. has been building eyelet machines since 1938 and in its third generation of ownership can make selecting the appropriate machine easy. Just send us a sample of your job and we can recommend the right machine.